Friday, June 24, 2011

God Answers Prayer

So, I have thought about not putting this up because it is deeply personal in nature, but I felt today I must put something up because of how great God is! I thought I could spread some Hope and Good News with my readers by telling of how God recently answerwed a prayer request for me and he answered it in such a way that I could have never imagined (God answers prayers all the time, but sometime there are those moments that are truly Amazing!). So, here is the story and due to the fact that it is personal, I will not share all the details.

A few months ago I went to a funeral of a lady that lived a long and faithful life: faithful both to God, her husband that preceeded her in death (by many years), and her children. The people that spoke at her funeral talked about her faithfullness and devotion. After the funeral one thing struck a chord in my mind. It was not that I was doubting God or anything like that, but the conversations about this lady's devotion really got me thinking about another situation that was happening at the same time: a situation that I said aloud I was not sure how to handle. So not long after I admitted I did not know how to handle the situation and I prayed for wisdom from God, he answered my prayer. The answer to my prayer came in a most surprising way. Instead of God telling me how to handle the situation, he put might right in the midst of it and told me not to fear. He gave me the words to speak and he even brought a great sense of peace to me on the situation. Even more than giving me the words to speak and giving me peace, God has also allowed for this situation to truly bless me and He has shown me how faithful he is in answering our prayers. Even though this happened a few weeks ago, God is continuing to show me new things each week (hence the inspiration for the post). So what kind of Hope and Good News can I share from this?

Well first of all with your Hope in God, nothing is impossible. That does not mean God will allow you to do whatever you want, but it means that with your Hope in God you can enter into a situation that you deem impossible and with Him as your guide you can be truly blessed by the situation. The Good News is that not only does God give us strength, but He even shows us that His plan for our lives is much greater than the plan we try to create on our own.

Hopefully this encourages you to trust God and Hope in His goodness in the midst of all situations.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

VBS 2011- Big Apple Adventure

So, this past week (June 6th-10th) was VBS and the theme dealt with New York City aka the Big Apple. I always enjoy working with children and helping with VBS. This year was unique for me because I had two groups that I interacted with each day (as pictures will show later). The two groups were different, but both could use some hope, Good News, and compassion. I thank God for the opportunity, strength, patience, and guidance this past week.
The first group I interected with each day was the same group that I finished the day with. I arrived at the church about 1.25 hours before VBS started in order to ride the bus to help pick up children from an apartment complex on the Northside. The group was 12 children of ranging in age from 4-12. Some were quiet, some were loud, but thankfully all were well behaved and looked out for each other. Below are a couple pictures of me and Robbie with this group on the last day:

(could not get them to rotate around..tried a few different things that did not work so I gave up and posted them this way.)

I could share multiple stories, but instead I will just share one. Below is a picture of me with Jaylon. He did not say much on the bus the first couple of days, but once I got him to open up one day he said a few words and I could tell he was looking for someone to talk with. I asked him what his favorite part of the week was and he said he enjoyed the whole thing and could not pick out one specific thing he liked the best (I could tell by a hint of a smile on his face the genuine nature of this statement). Then on the last day I could tell he was sad it was the last day (as well as many others were sad). One boy sitting behind me I thought he looked tired, but he assured me he was not tired instead he was sad that it was the last day of VBS with us. It was a great experience riding the bus with them each day and getting to know them and share some hope.

The main group that I led each week was a group of 2nd graders. They informed me that I don't sing well and one told me she thought I was weird haha, other than that they were sweet as could be :). So many fun times with them it is hard to pick out what to say. I try to let the pictures tell the story.

A little blurry...The three girls standing were in my group and the other girl was actually in another group, but she kept trying to come into my group so I told her she could get in the picture too. Smiles warm the heart and show joy. I was fortunate to have a very joyous group that truly encouraged me.

This is Trystian. He was actually in another group too, but his group and my group did everything together so it is almost like he was in my group.

Probably my favorite picture from the week. The girl sitting right next to me is from Russia and when she found out that I was going to be serving in a country near Russia it is as if she would not let me out of her sight and she sat next to me a lot in the different stations. She asked me if I was going to visit Russia and I told her I might. The girl on my left was in my group and besides when she wanted to wander off, she was great too. The girl on my left shoulder was actually not in my group either, but I think it is obvious that I interacted with many of the children that were not even in my group mainly during the closing session when we were all together.

Jeremiah carried our group sign every chance that he could. He was proud to be apart of our group: 2B. Our group was named 2B and I told the children in my group that we were 2nd Best!...I told them that Jesus is the Best and we were 2nd Best to him haha.

Marion was our line leader for most of the week. She enjoyed leading the group and she was also the first girl to tell me I needed singing lessons haha.

Overall the week went well. The Bible was at the center of what we did (hence VBS), we had fun, and the Hope and Good News that only Jesus Christ can give was experienced through the great leaders that made the week incredible. I close with the words of Luke 8:16-17

16 But Jesus called them to him, saying, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. 17Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it."

Let us not hinder children from learning about Christ and seeing Christ's love pour out of our hearts.

Hope in Christ,


Friday, May 20, 2011

Thoughts on Groundwork- May 20th

So the past couple of weeks I have not been on any mission trips, but have been able to help with the ground work for two international trips and a few local projects. I have enjoyed the groundwork for the mission trips and it has been hard for me knowing that all the groundwork I am helping with are for trips that I am not able to go. I have learned many more things about what it takes to plan a trip and in case you are reading this and have never planned a trip, you cannot imagine how much work goes into planning one (or three at the same time). I have been blessed to help a medical team that is going on a trip as well as a college group going on a trip. We are also hoping to have a few more groups do more work here in my home state in Alabama and I will be helping to coordinate these groups too. I also have been blessed to work with others that are unable to go on mission trips but often help with the groundwork. I have also experienced a couple of frustrations the past couple of weeks that I don't want to get into, but I know God is teaching me and helping guide me past some frustrations. Lord willing I will go on another trip in about two weeks and in the meantime I will continue to help with the ground work for at least three groups (possibly four) as well as learning more and serving in the local church that I am serving. There are soo many opportunities for ministry, serving, building relationships, among other things that I am able to take part.

The Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ has compelled and called me to service and my hope lies in the Holy Spirit to fill my life and speak through me to bring hope to the hopeless, mourn with those who mourn, rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep, all to bring Glory to my Heavenly Father. Prase God from whom all blessings flow.

P.S. In case you are wondering I am doing yard work in my free time :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Tornado Relief Day Two (5.7.2011)

Well day two was a little different than day one. The first afternoon I was able to meet up with my church in we were in the section of Pleasant Grove that got hit the worst. That part had whole houses destroyed and like I said the day before we mainly helped people get things from under their destroyed house. Well on Saturday we went to a part that was hit hard, but most of the houses on the street were still standing. However, as the pictures will show at the bottom, this section had some big, big, (did I say big?) trees down. We had more people join our group and so we ended up splitting up to two groups for most of the day. My group helped a family of four out at their house. Their house was still standing although they had some roof damage and even though we did not see it they said there was a lot of damage on the inside of the house. We spent the entire day outside helping to remove trees out of their yard. We had two or three people cutting up the trees with chain saws and the others of us were lugging the parts of the tree up a hill to the road (in order for a truck (s) to pick it up). It does not sound like much helping to take trees out of the yard, but Chad and his wife Vanessa both told us that they were very appreciative of the help because their fence had been destroyed and they were not able to let their dogs or children play in the yard.

So I think the pictures speak for themselves. The small group shots are part of my church group that was there. Anyway, continue to pray for the families of Pleasant Grove and I pray that many more people will help there.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Tornado Relief in my home state: Alabama

As many know by now on April 27th, 2011, one of the largest tornadoes ever recorded hit Central and West Alabama (among many other places). Today I was with my church group trying to bring comfort to those who were mourning and help provide what relief we could with the tools that we had and the people that we had with us. I started off the afternoon by driving by a neighborhood that I helped Habitat for Humanity build about a year ago. I knew that the neighborhood was close to where the tornado hit, but I did not realize how close until this afternoon. The neighborhood is exactly 3 miles from where this massive storm hit. Yet, it looked untouched by the storm which to me is amazing. Anyway, words cannot describe the things we saw in Pleasant Grove, Alabama today, so I am going to try and let the pictures aid in telling the story.

This is a picture of a couple of the teams that are staying at the same church as the group I am with from my home church. We are just over 200 miles from home, but many of the other groups came for a lot farther and from many different states. I wanted this picture to let you know that Alabama is fortunate to have groups from other states come in to help with the relief effort. From a local Alabamaian thank you other states!

These three pictures show you just part of the devestation. It is really hard to get a full picture of all the devestation even being here it is hard to see it all because of the magnitude. I will share a couple of pictures that have story to go along with them.

As we were driving thru the area I kept thinking and discuss with a guy from my church that the only survivors from this horrific event had to be those that fled their homes. However, I met a very sweet, young couple, Loretta and Phil, that proved me wrong. Loretta told us about how they survived being in their house and that the rubble we were standing on used to be their house. She talked about how she and her dog were crouched down in their basement, and her husband was actually picked up by the tornado and thrown across the room! In the first picture below you see us sawing some of the wood with a chainsaw while Loretta is in the background telling Ed her story of survival.

We asked her how we could help her. She told us that she would really like to see if her guitar made it because she would like to keep it. So, we worked on removing part of the walls and roof and whatever else had collapsed and finally we found the guitar!

When she saw the case, she thought that maybe the guitar did not make it. But, I opened the case and saw that really the neck made it, the strings were all in tact, and a part of the body made it. Still Loretta seemed unconvinced that she should keep it. However, I tried to tune the guitar and show her that you could still play the guitar, just the sound would be different. Her husband said that he thought they should keep it too and if anything hang it up in their new place that they hope to get one day. I really hope she keeps it. Here is a better picture of it.

Below is another picture of what is left of their house. If you look in the distance you can see their deck that is still standing, and part of the brick from the front of the house. Again words and pictures cannot describe how bad it was.

When we were about to leave the area we were working in, a large group of offical looking cars pulled up to us. Out of the cars stepped people with cameras, FEMA, and a man who I recognized that was dressed rather nice to be there to help as a relief worker. The man approached me first and asked me if I lived there. I said, "NO, just trying to help those in need." Then I introduced myself. He then said, "I am Spencer Bachus". To which I responded, "You mean Congressman Spencer Bachus." He had kind of a shocked look on his face and said, "Yeah that is me, you are right." I then told him that I worked for a short time with my former congressman, Terry Everett. He said, "O well isn't it a small world." Then I proceeded to talk with the congressman and a couple of other people from my group came up and talked with him as well (interesting enough I told them later that he was a US Congressman and I think others were unaware that is who he was). Anyway here is a picture of him.

He informed me that earlier he had been in his work clothes, but had to change in order to goto a meeting during the early afternoon.

Thoughts from the day:

Hope is not dead in Pleasant Grove. Even amongst the saddest you could see in the eyes of the people, there was hope. We prayed with them and they talked about how they were glad to be alive. I told them I hate that we met on such a tragic circumstance, but that we had hope that they would recover. One lady came up to me and gave me a big hug saying to me, "God is so good." She was right. God is good. He works in ways that we don't understand and some lives are cut shorter than others. He may take away all our material possesions (as he did in many cases I have heard from this past week). Yet, he breathes new life into us and a new hope. I pray that tomorrow (later today actually) that we are able to give a new hope to the people of Pleasant Grove. Hope does not put us to shame (Romans 5:5) if we hope in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirt Given to us. Hope should be found in God our heavenly Father who created us and breated life in us, God the Son Jesus Christ our Savior who died on the cross for our sins and died to bring us to new life in Him, God the Holy Spirit who is the breath of God our Comforter and Helper- 3 in 1- God! Hope in God and hope not in material possesions or man, but hope in God. John 16:33

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Guatemala March Day 7 (March 20th)

Day Two of our Men and Women's Bible Studies
So, I forget to mention in my post from Day 6 that we also had a Women's Bible Study on the 1st Floor at the same time we were having our Men's Bible Study on the third floor. The previous trip our Church took to Guatemala (January)was when Barbara and others started a Women's Bible Study at Tabitha. This trip was the start of our Men's Bible study. Anyway, I have posted some pictures below from it. Joe gave the introduction and shared with the group some of the things we had shared the day before. The first day we focused on the Sacrifice Jesus made for us on the Cross, for the forgiveness of our sins, as a the perfect sacrifical lamb, and as our Good Shepherd. Then Bob closed out the day preaching on The Prodigal Son (or the Forgiving Father) story as recorded in Luke 15. Bob gave the plan of salvation the first day and then we invited the men to come back the next day.
On the second day we talked about the resurrection of Jesus (Matthew 28) and what that means for us (I Cor 15) and what our response should be. We talked about how His resurrection was to give us new life in Him and through repentance we could walk away from our past sins and into a eternal life as Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior (giving the brief overview of what we talked about). I started off with Lesson 4, then Johnny did Lesson 5 and then Stephen gave the plan of salvation in Lesson 6. Joe said a few more charges to the men to have a personal study of the scriptures (we gave them Spanish New Testaments and a copy of our lessons in Spanish). Then Barbara and Johnny gave charges to the men first and then downstairs to the women about what scripture says about a husband and wife and family. David again led us in worship with his guitar.

The top picture is of Joe and me with Lucy (one of the translators for the women) and her mom.

Below is a picture of me on my ride while I was in Guatemala (not really haha). One of our translators drove this motorcycle and he offered to let me drive it around, but I did not take him up on his offer. Then the next picture is our group from Sunday's Bible Study.

After we left Tabitha that day we went to the Guatemala National Cathedral and main plaza area. We also went a local outdoor market. After we left there we went to Church with David (his father is a Pastor). It was about a 2.5 hour service and then we went to Pizza Hut for dinner. Great day.

Joy in my Heart,

Friday, March 25, 2011

Guatemala March Day 6- The Story of Blanca and Day One of Men's Bible Study

So the last 2.5 days in Guatemala were so crazy I did not have any time to update my blog. But, I am now doing it back in Alabama.

The Story of Blanca (long story that has truly touched my heart)
The third day in Guatemala we were installing stoves in some homes of the ladies that goto Tabitha. I saw this one lady (probably around my age). She was saying something to me as we were walking out and the translator had actually walked away. But, for some reason I felt what this lady was saying was important. So, the translator came back and said she was telling us that she wanted a stove in her home. We told her to contact Carol and that we would hopefully one day be able to give her one. We then walked away and I did not think too much about this conversation that night. Then the next day we told Carol about the story and she said she wanted to go with us to visit the lady because she might know her. Turns out Carol did know her because the lady (who we found out was named Blanca) had children that went to Tabitha day care. So, we went to Blanca's house and chatted with her. Turns out she was not a believer because of some personal matters that were holding her back. Well Donnie and Carol shared with Blanca the gospel message and that it does not matter what has happened to you in the past, but that God would forgive you of your sins and if you gave your life to Him and put your faith in Him he would take care of you (I am paraphrasing here). Well after talking with her some more, Blanca said she was ready to give her life to Christ and asked Joe via Carol to pray for her to receive Christ as her Lord and Savior. Before we prayed with her she showed us how she did not even have a roof to cover her bed (and children) at night nor did she have a door to keep her safe at night. Well we prayed with her thanking God for her decision that she was able to make and we also prayed that God would provide for her all her needs.

Well we got back to the Tabitha House and the roof was complete. Turns out we actually had three extra pieces of roof and some extra wood support that we did not use (amazing huh?). Well I suggested/asked if we could give the extra roof pieces and wood to give to Blanca for her house (after we shared with the group about her). Our head construction guy, Larry, said that was a great idea and that he would even go down to her home with us the next day and put it on. So, the next day we went back to Blanca's home and brought her the roof. Well we realized that the wood support she had in place would not hold the roof we brought down there and that we had no way of putting the roof up. However, Mario, a neighbor of Blanca, said that if we would bring him the extra wood that we had he could put the roof up. In the meantime we were not able to give Blanca a stove just yet, but we were able to give her a water purifier so her and her 3 daughters would have clean drinking water. Then Blanca shared her testimony with Larry and we again prayed with Blanca.
Saturday rolls around and we take the wood down to Blanca's home and we take our local architect friend with us. Well he informed us that the wood we had and the roofing we had would not go onto Blanca's house. However, after much discussion with him we found out that he could trade in our roof pieces and get cheaper, more material to cover the entire roof, but that she would still not have a wall to support it or a door to protect her. So, we discussed with him more about how much that would cost and if he could build it. He told us how much it would cost and that he had built something very similar that he could show us (we said we could provide him the money and that we would like to see the home he had already done). So, we told Blanca what was going on and she said that she and one of her daughters wanted to go with us. Turns out the home was actually in one of the worse parts of the dump and we had to walk a pretty good way. So, I offered to carry Blanca's daughter that she was bringing with her (the above picture). When we got to the home Blanca said that the home we saw was just beautiful (pictured below). So, Bob made the decision that we were going to give the money needed to put the necessary walls, roof, and door on Blanca's house.

You can see part of Blanca's story and images from her house and the other house with this video I made.

Day One of Men's Bible Study

Below are pictures from the first session of our Bible Study. Joe gave his testimony and vision for the Bible Study. Steven, Johnny, and I shared Lessons 1-3 and Bob preached on the Prodigal Son (or The Forgiving Father) in Luke 15. David played music for us.

David (a local Pastor's son) had an Auburn shirt on and I wanted my picture with him. So, I mistakely asked Barbara to take our picture. The first two pictures she purposely messed up and then she took a picture of herself. So, I asked Bob to take the picture, but Barbara would not get out of the way so I tried to get Lucy to come over and help then Bob took the picture with my arm in the way. Finally after the 4th or 5th try (I am not good with math) we were able to get a picture.

After we cleaned up and went shopping for the next day's lunch, we took Carol, her son, and her mom out to a nice dinner at Nais (pronounced like our nice). Overall a great day. I will share more about our Bible Study in the next day's blog